Serial Port Communication In Visual Studio 2010

Serial Port Communication In Visual Studio 2010 6,2/10 4719votes

Mar 14, 2013 - Code that sends serial strings between COM ports using Visual Studio 2010. The current version of the software we have is Visual Studio 2010. Ports.OpenSerialPort(ListBoxCOM2.SelectedItem) port2.BaudRate = BaudRate port2.ReadTimeout = 100 Using port1 As IO.Ports.SerialPort = _ My.Computer.

Serial Port Communication In Visual Studio 2010

.NET has a great class called SerialPort () part of.NET 2.0 and is freely available in. It is easy to use.

Miracolo Per Acufeni Pdf Gratis. Here’s how BTW, this article is about communicating through the PC’s Serial COM RS-232 port using Microsoft.NET 2.0 or later by using the System.IO.Ports.SerialPort class. If you’re looking for USB info,. Example Application & Sample Code: SerialPort Terminal Prerequisites: You will need Microsoft.NET 3.5 to run the app. It is installed as part of the regular Windows Updates (make sure your computer is fully up to date, see for more info) or if that doesn’t work for some reason, you can. Via ClickOnce To start off, here is sample code in a terminal application which you can try out to see how the SerialPort class is used.

This requires Visual Studio 2010 to compile, which can be obtained free via. It is just a simple little application with basic support for text or binary (hex) modes to send and receive data. A nice feature or two is auto-detection of installed COM ports that update at runtime if you plugin or remove USB-to-Serial adapters, also you can change the DTR and RTS levels and monitor the CTS, DSR, and CD lines. Build Note: You will receive an error that Visual Studio isn’t able to find NoahCode.pfx. This is expected as it is the click-once certificate for publishing and is NOT NEEDED for normal code use. Just go to Project Properties >Signing >Click on Create Test Certificate. That’s it Get Connected You can obtain adapters and have just about as many ports on your PC as you like.

I carry around two adapters with a () between them so I can create a loopback to send & receive through to separate ports on most any computer. I’d recommend doing the same for when writing code for the serial port.

If you’d like to quickly and easily create your own external devices to communicate with the PC, I recommend starting with the, (like an Arduino but programmed in C#), or modules. All three have many accessories and sensors available (such as LCDs, RF, Sounds, AD & DA, etc). Is a great place to look.

After that you could migrate to an (recommended). Write Data Out Here is an example of how easy it is to use the new SerialPort control. Very simply, here is how you can send a bit of data out the port. Update —— Hi Noah! After further debugging, I observe that the port_DataReceived function in your SerialPort Terminal example is never being called.

I see the function being added as an EventHandler earlier: comport.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(port_DataReceived); I can’t figure for the life of me why it’s never reaching the function though. All I know is this is why, for example, I only receive an echo of my 'at' command and not the actual 'ok' response I’m expecting.

I didnt change any of the code, so why would this be happening? Green, Thanks for the update to charlie’s post. The reason for this is that WinForms controls’ properties must be modified on the same thread that they were created on. By using this.Invoke (where 'this' is the form the control is on), it asks the form to run another method on the same thread the form is on. SerialPort_DataReceived could be triggered at anytime (not just when the form is avalible) since the SerialPort control runs outside of the form’s thread. This is a big advantage in that it will always be responsive to incoming serial data even if the form is busy with an intensive redraw or update. Hello Noah and every visitor.

Thanks for the great introduction to the SerialPort. I have written a simple code, and to test i have used a cross over cable from COM1 to COM2. If I run 2 instances of the code on the 2 ports it works (send and receive) perfectly. But if I use Hyper Terminal on one end (say for example Hyper terminal on COM2 and my code on COM1) my code can send and hyper terminal receives it but if hyper terminal sends my code do not see anything. The same thing happended when i used your sample code. But of course when i test two instances of hyper terminal can eailty talk to each other.